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Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med

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Автоматическая гибкая машина для очистки и дезинфекции эндоскопов

Предмет №: YSMJ-DE66
Автоматическая гибкая машина для очистки и дезинфекции эндоскопов по хорошей цене.
Параметры продукта
MOQ: 1
Упаковка: Картонная упаковка
Доставить из: Guangzhou
Время выполнения заказа: 1-3 дня
Настройка: Yes
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Автоматическая гибкая машина для очистки и дезинфекции эндоскопов

Automatic flexible endoscope cleaning and disinfecting machine

Equipment R&D background
  1. As comprehensive hospitals have many patients,the endoscope detection frequency is over high,resulting inadequate time of cleaning and disnfection.Thus, it is highly possible that the hospital infection happens to the patients and working staff.
  2. The cuttent automatic cleaning and disinfecting equipment can save time and labor through, it can not meet all relevant requirements.The middle and small hospitals can not shoulder its high price.Such equipment manufactured at home is impertect in self-disinfection and thermostat, of long time length and fault in the secondary poiiution.
  3. The importance and necessity of the endoscope cleaning and disinfecting have been recognized. It is time the cleaning and disinfecting quality should be guaranteed.We have developed the full-automatic soft endoscope cleaning and disnfecting machine to improve the current situation.

One-button operation:the equipment can automatically finish the process from water inlet to pipe drying,No manual operation

Foot-controlled electric

Avoid the secondary pollution when you pick up the endoscope after opening the cover.

Avoid secondary pollution from the careful cleaning process,which is in line with the specifications of Europe,America and Japan standards

The cleaning and disinfecting effect is free of the climate and season change,so the effect will be lowered with ermperature decrease.According to the experiments of French autohorized institute Biotech-Germande:2% glutaradehyde works for 45 minutes in the room temperature 22°C acterium value will reduce by 4 or 5;while 0.15% glutaradegyde works for less than 5 minutes at 45°C the mycobacterium value will reduce by 6;

Cleaning efficiency
The cleaning and disinfecting time is between 8 and 10 minutes,which greatly shortens the cycle and improve the working efficiency(the fastest cleaning and disinfecting machine in the world now)

Chinese display screen
Program running time,function display,default alarm and repair default display

Printing function
Recording and checking endoscope cleaning and disinfecting time

Endoscope all-process leaking detection
Keep monitoring of the whole process.Conduct alarm and drain water automatically if there is any leakage to protect the endoscope

Application in the cleaning and disinfecting of soft endoscopes:gastroscope,duodenoscope,colonocope,bronchoscope,ENT scope,and choledochoscope.Endoscopes shall finish immersing treatment.
Working principle
The machine uses programmable microcopmuter controller to automatically apply clean water enzyme liquid,disinfectant and strode transfromation system,and conducts washing,static washing,flow immersing and other processes to finish the entire sterilization process.
The 0.16Mpa water spout from the mouth can fully pack the endoscope body.Use the special ring brush to wash the endoscpe un and down in repeat.The other three nozzles can disinfect the washing clamp passage,attracting passage and injection fluid passage.Inject gas into the inner channel while transferring the water,enzyme and medicine fluid,thus to finish the whole cleaning and disinfecting process.


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