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Проекционный периметр YSAPS-T90

Предмет №: YSAPS-T90
Проекционный периметр на продажу по хорошей цене
Параметры продукта
MOQ: 1
Упаковка: Картонная упаковка
Доставить из: Guangzhou
Время выполнения заказа: 1-3 дня
Настройка: Yes
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Проекционный периметр YSAPS-T90

Projection Perimeter
1. International standards
Color perimetry: a more sensitive detection of early visual filed defects

2.Accurate, fast Visual Testing
Original interlligent testing strategies(IDT):3 minutes to complete a full inspection threshold

Kinetic perimetry

3.Corprehensive and versatile single analysis and reporting reliability: Accurate interpretation of perimetry results
Perimeter index

Dedicated projection perimetry software system


Appearance Split type Integrated Type
Stimulating way Optical projection
Projection surface aspheric projection arc
Detection method Static perimetry, Dynamic Perimetry
Detection scope 0-90°
Brightness Level 0-51db
Testing Distance 300mm
Visual Target Color Red, Blue, White
Visual Target Brightness 0asb-10000asb
Background Light White(31.5asb),yellow(315asb )
Vision Target Interval time,
keeping time
Patients adaptive, standard, slow, custom
Pupil Size Measurement Auto
Head Movement Way AEC Eye position monitoring and automatic correction system
Brightness Measurement Brightness Auto Measurement and correction
Visual Target Size
(Goldmann standard)
G r a d e  G r a d e  G r a d e  G r a d e  G r a d e
Detection strategy Full-threshold, fast threshold, custom, Two notation,
three notation,quantify defects,Intelligent dynamic, fast intelligent dynamic
Threshold policy age-related, threshold-related, single strength
Test Mode
Center 10-2,Center 24-2,Center 30-2,Center60-4,Nasal step,macula
special test mode
Center 40,Center 64,Center 76Center80,Center Armaly,Peripheral 60,
Nasal step,Armaly Full Field,Full Field 81,Full Field 120,Full Field1 35,
Full Field246,upper36,upper64,Esterman monocular,Estermanbinocular
manual procedures, standard procedures (Standard 45, standard 30, a high-resolution 15), 
Static point map, dark spot map, blind spot map, custom scan, custom dynamic program
adjustable (Speed 1-9 / S, visual target size, color, intensity, test ranges, etc.)
Fixation monitoring Dynamic real-time video monitoring, physiological blind spot monitoring, 
Eye tracking curve, eye position offset alarm
Analysis Software Reliability analysis, single vision analysis, triple report analyzes, 
Overview vision analysis, GHT glaucoma semi vision analysis, 
GPA glaucoma developing analysis
Report Figure Value map, grayscale map , the overall bias decibel chart, 
The overall deviation probability map, chart pattern deviation decibels,
Pattern deviation probability plot, staring Figure

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