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Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med

Медицинская радиология
Лабораторное оборудование
ENT Инструмент
Ветеринарное оборудование

Медицинский рентгеновский аппарат 300 мА/радиографический аппарат YSX300

Предмет №: YSX300
Низкая цена 300 мА медицинский рентгеновский аппарат/радиографический аппарат YSX300
Параметры продукта
MOQ: 1
Упаковка: Картонная упаковка
Доставить из: Guangzhou
Время выполнения заказа: 1-3 дня
Настройка: Yes
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300mA medical x-ray machine / radiography machine YSX300

USE: General radiography, Filter-ray-filter radiograph

Unit Configuration 
Control, HT generator unit, Ht cable, X-ray tube unit, Radiographic table-X-ray source column, Collimator 

The unit can used for general radiography, Bucky radiography of body’s head, chest, foot and hand, bones in lying

1. meter-indicating
2. single-table single tube
3. single-phase, full wave rectification
4. stationary anode x-ray tube assembly
5. X-ray tube filament s voltage regulator, space charge compensator
6. Radiograph plain table wimple structure and easy assembling

Demand of power supply Capacity Two-phase 30KVA
Voltage Frequency 380V/220V ±10%50HZ ±0.5Hz
Intemal resistance 0.75Ω(380V)0.25Ω(220V)
power supply Adjustable range 380±10% at220V being adjustable continuously
Radiograph Voltage 50-125KV being adjustable continuously
current Small focus:50mA100mA, Big focus:50mA 100mA  200mA  300mA
time 0.04~6.35s 23grades together grading a according to R10 coefficient
High-voltage generator Capacity 20KVA(instantaneous)
Max DC output voltage 125KV
Max DC output current 300mA
X-Ray tube Model XD51.20-40/125
Focus Small focus 1×1mm  big focus2×2mm
Radiographic table Length*width*height of bed surface 2000mm×665mm×700mm
Moving range of bed surface 640mmin Length,  200mmin breadth
Ray-filter of table Travel in length ≥500mm
Grid density N=28
Convergence distance f。=100cm
Grid ratio r=8
Column of X-ray tube unit Moving Longitudinally along Radiographic table 1000mmor 1800mm
Distance to friend as moving up and down (along column) 650~1800mm
Rotary around the center of cross arm ±180°
Rotary around the shaft line of X-ray annular tubes -10°~60°~  +120°
Max size of cassette 356mm×432mm(14×17)

Note: We will make another notice if the contour of product and technical parameters will be changed
Net Weight: 402            Gross: 550             Packing Size: 231*100*125

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