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Автоматизированный внешний YS-AED7000 дефибриллятора

Предмет №: YS-AED7000
Портативный Автоматизированный внешний YS-AED7000 дефибриллятора, который является безопасным, портативным и простым в использовании. Его можно применять в семье и в общественном месте, чтобы оказать первую помощь в связи с симптомом внезапной смерти.
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Portable Automated External Defibrillator YS-AED7000
YS-AED7000 (Automatic External Defibrillator) is a defibrillation device, which is safe, portable and easy to use. It can be applied in family and public place to give first aid for the sudden death symptom. Combined with advanced ECG analytical technique from M&B company, the defibrillator can analyze the patients ECG, make a judgement for the patients cardiac condition and indicate whether the defibrillation is needed and the defibrillation strength. It can not only enhances the success rate of defibrillation, but also reduce the injury of defibrillation to heart to the utmost extent.There is low requirement for the operator to use the device. The defibrillator will guide the operator to carry out defibrillation treatment via voice prompt step by step, give safety alert if the occasion arises. It can carry out early defibrillation treatment effectively and protect the operator farthest, being very applicable to the emergency treatment for the sudden cardiac death patient in family and public place.

 ● Three-step defibrillation process
 ● Two-button operation
 ● Extensive voice and visual prompts for the operator
 ● Biphasic energy output
 ● Lock-out protection to prevent inadvertent defibrillation
 ● PC-based event review (optional)
 ● Multilingual selections are available. (optional)


Real Product Photos:

AED Portable Automated External Defibrillator YS-AED7000

AED Portable Automated External Defibrillator YS-AED7000

AED Portable Automated External Defibrillator YS-AED7000
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