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Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med

Медицинская радиология
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Ветеринарное оборудование

Bronchial Provocation Test Device Ultrasound Spirometry Hospital Spirometer YSSPR-PV

Предмет №: YSSPR-PV
Perform inhalation provocation tests exceptionally fast and with accurate results.
Параметры продукта
Марка: Ysenmed
MOQ: 1
Упаковка: Carton package
Доставить из: Guangzhou
Время выполнения заказа: 3-5 days
Настройка: Customized package
Получить цену

Bronchial provocation (challenge) testing is the most commonly used and accepted approach for evaluating airway hyperresponsiveness (twitchy airways). A common nonspecific challenge agent used for bronchial provocation is aerosolized methacholine. In this test, the patient inhales an aerosol of one or more concentrations of methacholine.
Individual dosage of the provocation material
Enables precise dosing of provocation tests and reduces the risks of provocation tests.
Perform inhalation provocation tests exceptionally fast and with accurate results
All-in-one measurement, high automation
One device for bronchial provocation tests and spiromtry tests, easy to operate
Complete Spirometry (Slow VC, FVC, Flow-Volume Loop, Tidal breathing analysis, MVV), Bronchial dilation test pre/post dilator), Bronchial provocation test


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