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Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med

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Шкаф для переноса пленки Darkroom YSX1614

Предмет №: YSX1614
Горячий Тип 0,5 ммПБ рентгеновская пленка поставляет шкаф YSX1614 прочный в использовании
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YSX1614 0.5mmPB X-ray Film deliver Cabinet

X-Ray Protection Device-Protective Box 

Detailed Product Description
1. It is used to transfer X-ray films between radiation department and darkroom and walls.
2. The film transfer case is composed of lead plate and iron plate.
3. The lead equivalent is not less 0.5mmpb (the thickness of the lead plate is not less than 0.5mm).
4. It is used to transfer X-ray films between radiation department and darkroom and walls, and also suitable for the operators studying radiation scientific research in the medical, hygiene and disease control units or the X-ray rooms to transfer X-ray films.

Wooden packaging: 77x59x57cm  Net: 46KgCross: 57Kg

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