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Автомобильные пленочные процессоры
Ручные пленочные процессоры
Рентгеновские Пленки
Рентгеновские кассеты
Интенсифицирующие экраны
Светильники Darkroom
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Рентгеновский генератор
МРТ немагнитное оборудование
Пять рабочих режимов работы гинекологии LEEP нож YSESU-LEEP5
Предмет №: YSESU-LEEP5
Пять режимов работы гинекологической операции LEEP нож YSESU-LEEP5, специализирующийся на гинекологических внутриутробных событиях, повышение точности, управляемости, безопасности операции
Five working modes gynaecology operation LEEP knife YSESU-LEEP5

Main Features
■Microcomputer control, can be controlled by hand or by foot.
■The generator adopts LEEP which specializing in gynecological intrauterine event,
increasing the accuracy, controllability, security of the surgery.
■Dealing with some kinds of pathological changes in obstetric and gynecology,for example,
cutting, electrocoagulation, cervical erosion, and some kinds of surgery that fit in peritoneoscope.
■Different electrodes have different effects in coagulation.
■An optional smoke evacuation system is available.
■Paticular illuminating ESU pencil can increase the clarity of wound healing.
Technical Specifications
Power: 220V±22V(110V±11V), 50Hz±1Hz
Operating frequency: 416kHz
Power rating:1100VA±10%
Five working modes:
◆Monopolar Cut
a) pure cut:1W~200W( Load 800Ω)
b) Blend1:1W~150W(Load 800Ω)
c) Blend2:1W~100W (Load 800Ω)
◆Monopolar Coag
d) Spray Coag:1W~80W( Load 800Ω)
e) Forced Coag:1W~120W( Load 800Ω)
◆Power Consumption :≦1100VA(Cutting function 200W)
Surgical Smoke Evacuation
blowing rate: 100 l/min @ 6mm tube
Noise: <60dB(A)
Start Control: Manus/Foot/Synchronize
Suction Adjust: 10%-100%
Stop delay time: 0-60s
AC Power: AC90~250V, 50Hz
Power consumption:< 350W
Filter Characteristics:99.999% @ 0.1-0.2μm
Active Carbon:97% @ 1 year

Main Features
■Microcomputer control, can be controlled by hand or by foot.
■The generator adopts LEEP which specializing in gynecological intrauterine event,
increasing the accuracy, controllability, security of the surgery.
■Dealing with some kinds of pathological changes in obstetric and gynecology,for example,
cutting, electrocoagulation, cervical erosion, and some kinds of surgery that fit in peritoneoscope.
■Different electrodes have different effects in coagulation.
■An optional smoke evacuation system is available.
■Paticular illuminating ESU pencil can increase the clarity of wound healing.
Technical Specifications
Power: 220V±22V(110V±11V), 50Hz±1Hz
Operating frequency: 416kHz
Power rating:1100VA±10%
Five working modes:
◆Monopolar Cut
a) pure cut:1W~200W( Load 800Ω)
b) Blend1:1W~150W(Load 800Ω)
c) Blend2:1W~100W (Load 800Ω)
◆Monopolar Coag
d) Spray Coag:1W~80W( Load 800Ω)
e) Forced Coag:1W~120W( Load 800Ω)
◆Power Consumption :≦1100VA(Cutting function 200W)
Surgical Smoke Evacuation
blowing rate: 100 l/min @ 6mm tube
Noise: <60dB(A)
Start Control: Manus/Foot/Synchronize
Suction Adjust: 10%-100%
Stop delay time: 0-60s
AC Power: AC90~250V, 50Hz
Power consumption:< 350W
Filter Characteristics:99.999% @ 0.1-0.2μm
Active Carbon:97% @ 1 year