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Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med

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Высококачественная лампа для фотолаборатории (Одноцветный) YSX1702

Предмет №: YSX1702
Высококачественная лампа для фотолаборатории (Одноцветный) YSX1702
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High quality good price darkroom lamp (single color) YSX1702 

Spray-painted lamp, adjustable type
Detailed Product Description
Darkroom light is used for the illumination of the magnification, copy, development and process of the films in the darkroom.
Darkroom light
Medical X-ray darkroom lamp is composed of organic sheet glass, bulb, shell, power supply switch. The lamps and lanterns of the darkroom are the fixed ordinary ones. The power supply is AC 220V 50Hz and the lamp-house power is 10W15W. It is mainly used for the illumination of the magnification, copy, development and process of the films in the darkroom. It is suitable for the illumination in the X-ray darkroom of the medical institutions.
Spec.:single color

Yuesen Med equipment purchase process
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Двухцветный Темный свет YSX1703
Двухцветный Темный свет YSX1703