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HPLC полностью автоматический анализатор гликатированного гемоглобина YSTE760H

Предмет №: YSTE760H
HPLC полностью автоматический анализатор гликатированного гемоглобина YSTE760H-автоматическая система идентификации для первичной трубки и пробника,
Первичная трубка с Проколом крышки автоматически.
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HPLC Fully Auto Glycated Hemoglobin Analyzer YSTE760H

Easy Operation 
○No Sample Pre-treatment
○Fully automated operation saves time and labor
○Automatic Primary tube sampling with cap puncture  
○Auto identificate the whole blood or lyse
○STAT capability
○Batch sampling offer flexibility in workflow
○3.0 Mins per sample
Easy Maintenance
○ No special tools required for daily maintenance.
○ Online Alarm message for Buffer insufficient
○ Fully modular design, if fault occurs, can find the damaged parts quickly and accurately, solve problems with fastest response.
○Superior performance LED detector, long life-span, no need pre-heat,
○Temperature range for column 5-40℃, can keep the constant temperature, the fluctuation ±0.2℃
○High stability Pump to ensure the Hemoglobin separation, Maximum withstand pressure 200kg/cm2(2900psi), pressure sensitivity, fluctuation ±5%
Superior HbA1c Accuracy
○ HbA1C Standardization-compatible according to IFCC
○The measurement result includes information of each peak and chromatogram both of which can be utilized for analysis.
○ Superior Quality chromatographic resolution to eleminate interferences.
○ It provides direct determination of stable HbA1c(SA1c) with less than 2% CVs.
○ Automatic Calibration, Can correspond to IFCC & NGSP, get reliable result. 
○Built-in quality control management simplifies quality assurance compliance
Method HIGH pressure ion exchange liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Instrument Fully-Auto Glycated Hemoglobin HbA1c Analyzer
Sampling system Automatic identification system for Primary Tube & sample cup,
Primary tube with cap puncture automatically
Throughput ≤3mins per sample
Sample Tray 15 samples position, CAL1(QC1) & CAL2(QC2)position, ST
Sample Type Venous Blood, Finger Peripheral Blood, or hemolyse blood
Sample Volume 5ul whole blood, or lyse blood (ratio 5ul:1000ul)
Test Range HbA1c: 3-18%; 14-191mmol/mol, HbF:0.3-5%
Test Item HbA1c HbF & β-Thalassemia
Heat system Temperature range for column 5-40℃, can keep the constant temperature, the fluctuation £±0.2℃
Light system 415nm LED light, long life span, the fluctuation is £2mv per hour
Printer 57nm Thermal printer, printing test curve and report
USB Port Support LIS system, software upgrade online, external barcode scanner optional
Barcode External barcode scanner optional
Display 8 inch LCD colorful touch screen, 162mm´122mm,
display real-time testing curve
Data Storage more than 10,000 test reports storage (including Curve),Inquiry freely
Language English, Spanish, Russians, Portuguese, Japanese……
Report NGSP, IFCC result
HbA1a, HbF, HbA1c, HbA0,HbA2 variant sample report.
Optional PC software for regular report format
Work Condition Temperature 5℃~30℃, Relative humidity 30%~75%
Power supply 110V-220V, 50-60Hz
Dimension 460mm×445mm×390mm
Weight 28KGS
  Within-Run(n=20) Inter-Run(n=20)
Low High Low High
Mean 5.56 10.24 5.64 10.18
SD 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.15
CV(%) 1.43 0.87 2.13 1.47
Comparative Test
YSTE760 Fully Auto Glycated Hemoglobin Analyzer
YSTE760 Fully Auto Glycated Hemoglobin Analyzer
Guangzhou Yueshen Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. - Yuesen Med - YSENMED
Guangzhou Yueshen Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. - Yuesen Med - YSENMED
Guangzhou Yueshen Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. - Yuesen Med - YSENMED
Guangzhou Yueshen Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. - Yuesen Med - YSENMED
Yueshen Medical Equipment Company

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