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МРТ немагнитное оборудование
Автомобильные пленочные процессоры
Ручные пленочные процессоры
Рентгеновские Пленки
Рентгеновские кассеты
Интенсифицирующие экраны
Светильники Darkroom
Решения для разработки фильмов
Пленочная сушилка
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Рентгеновский генератор
МРТ немагнитное оборудование
Свинцовое стекло для рентгеновской комнаты YSX1613
Предмет №: YSX1613
2 ммПБ, 4 ммПБ радиационная защита рентгеновское Экранирование свинцовое стекло YSX1613
High Quality Radiation Protection X-ray Shielding Lead Glass YSX1613

YSX1613 x-ray lead glass Specifications
1. Application: x-ray room, CT room, nuclear, etc.
2. Thickness: 0.6-400mm
3. More than 2 mmPb every 20mm deep
4. Size: Customizable
1. All sizes up to 2.4m x 1.2.m
2. Thicknesses vary form 0.6-400mm, depending on shielding requirement
3. Weight varies upon size and thickness
4. Custom widths, heights, and thicknesses available upon request
Regular Specification:
Product Description
X-ray radiation protection safety glass, also known as laminated lead glass which is used
in the hospital and nuclear power plant and so on who has the higher requirement for the
radiation protection.
Laminated lead glass sets safety, good light, radiation protection as one.
Laminated lead glass is a layer of lead glass and one or more layers of toughened glass,
folder to PU film, discharging of the middle of the air as much as possible through hot press
pressure and then put it into the high pressure steam autoclave use of the high temperature
and pressure to dissolve the remnants of a small amount of air into the film. It is colorless and
When the glass shattered by the impact, the debris is stuck by PU film, to prevent flying glass
caused the damage on the human body, the formation of radial cracks, maintaining its
original shape, its security can be guaranteed!
We can supply lead-equivalent glass to meet the requirements of any project. When installed in one of our lead-lined frames, this provides a safe viewing area for the technician. We have
the largest glass size available in the industry. We can also supply lead safety glass if needed for mobile barriers.

YSX1613 x-ray lead glass Specifications
1. Application: x-ray room, CT room, nuclear, etc.
2. Thickness: 0.6-400mm
3. More than 2 mmPb every 20mm deep
4. Size: Customizable
1. All sizes up to 2.4m x 1.2.m
2. Thicknesses vary form 0.6-400mm, depending on shielding requirement
3. Weight varies upon size and thickness
4. Custom widths, heights, and thicknesses available upon request
Regular Specification:
1500 X 1000 X 20mm | 1500 X 900 X 20mm | 1200 X 900 X 20mm |
1200X 800 X 20mm | 1200 X 600 X 20mm | 1000 X 800 X 20mm |
900 X 600 X 20mm | 800 X 600 X 20mm | 700 X 500 X 20mm |
600 X 400 X 20mm | 800*600*12mmmm | 600 X 400 X 12mm |
Product Description
X-ray radiation protection safety glass, also known as laminated lead glass which is used
in the hospital and nuclear power plant and so on who has the higher requirement for the
radiation protection.
Laminated lead glass sets safety, good light, radiation protection as one.
Laminated lead glass is a layer of lead glass and one or more layers of toughened glass,
folder to PU film, discharging of the middle of the air as much as possible through hot press
pressure and then put it into the high pressure steam autoclave use of the high temperature
and pressure to dissolve the remnants of a small amount of air into the film. It is colorless and
When the glass shattered by the impact, the debris is stuck by PU film, to prevent flying glass
caused the damage on the human body, the formation of radial cracks, maintaining its
original shape, its security can be guaranteed!
We can supply lead-equivalent glass to meet the requirements of any project. When installed in one of our lead-lined frames, this provides a safe viewing area for the technician. We have
the largest glass size available in the industry. We can also supply lead safety glass if needed for mobile barriers.