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Свинцовый экран (два раза) YSX1608
Предмет №: YSX1608
Высококачественный радиационный защитный двухслойный рентгеновский свинцовый экран YSX1608
Radiation Protective Dual Couplet X-ray Lead Screen YSX1608

Detailed Product Description
1. Lead screen: double couplet
2. It is mainly used to the radial protection and shielding protection.
3. The medical X-ray double link protective lead screen is composed of lead plate and iron plate.
4. The lead equivalent is not less than 0.50mmPb.
5. It is used to the filming shielding protection in the X-ray photographic studio, dentistry, bedside and operating room, etc., also suitable for the X-ray protection.
6. It can be manufactured according to the size of the photographic studio and the need of the protection.
7. It is mainly equipped with a lead glass sight window of 6X 8.
8. The surrounding of the lead window can be sealed by adhesive plasters, so that to fix it firm.
9. Specification:1800x1200mm It is equipped with 4 casters, of which 2 are steerable ones in the front of the base, 2 are steerable ones at the back of the base, and 1 is a rigid one in the base.
Wooden packaging: 188x96x13cm Net: 46Kg Cross: 60Kg

Detailed Product Description
1. Lead screen: double couplet
2. It is mainly used to the radial protection and shielding protection.
3. The medical X-ray double link protective lead screen is composed of lead plate and iron plate.
4. The lead equivalent is not less than 0.50mmPb.
5. It is used to the filming shielding protection in the X-ray photographic studio, dentistry, bedside and operating room, etc., also suitable for the X-ray protection.
6. It can be manufactured according to the size of the photographic studio and the need of the protection.
7. It is mainly equipped with a lead glass sight window of 6X 8.
8. The surrounding of the lead window can be sealed by adhesive plasters, so that to fix it firm.
9. Specification:1800x1200mm It is equipped with 4 casters, of which 2 are steerable ones in the front of the base, 2 are steerable ones at the back of the base, and 1 is a rigid one in the base.
Wooden packaging: 188x96x13cm Net: 46Kg Cross: 60Kg

Треугольный соединенный рентгеновский защитный свинцовый экран YSX1609