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Автомобильные пленочные процессоры
Ручные пленочные процессоры
Рентгеновские Пленки
Рентгеновские кассеты
Интенсифицирующие экраны
Светильники Darkroom
Решения для разработки фильмов
Пленочная сушилка
Пленочные вешалки
Пленочные маркеры
Коробки переноса пленки
Ящики для хранения пленки
Подставки для груди
Рентгеновские дозиметры
Рентгеновские столы
Рентгеновская комната
Рентгеновский генератор
МРТ немагнитное оборудование
Свинцовый жилет для рентгеновской комнаты YSX1524
Предмет №: YSX1524
Lead Vest For X-ray номер YSX1524 X-ray Protective Series Lead Vest
Lead Vest For X-ray room YSX1524

International New-style Protective Materils
Lead-Free New-style Protective Materils
Fine Manufacture,Soft & Comfortable
Detailed Product Description
Lead Vest
Pulled on from the right side and one-faced
1000*600mm and 900*600mm
Lead Vest, Pulled on from the right side and one-faced,1000*600mm and 900*600mm
The medical X-ray protective series products are made of natural rubber and yellow lead powder, covering with clothing when processing. The lead equivalent is: 0.25mmpb, 0.35mmpb, 0.5mmpb. They are mainly used for the protection of the X-ray. The customers can choose these protective series products of different specifications according to their own needs.

International New-style Protective Materils
Lead-Free New-style Protective Materils
Fine Manufacture,Soft & Comfortable
Detailed Product Description
Lead Vest
Pulled on from the right side and one-faced
1000*600mm and 900*600mm
Lead Vest, Pulled on from the right side and one-faced,1000*600mm and 900*600mm
The medical X-ray protective series products are made of natural rubber and yellow lead powder, covering with clothing when processing. The lead equivalent is: 0.25mmpb, 0.35mmpb, 0.5mmpb. They are mainly used for the protection of the X-ray. The customers can choose these protective series products of different specifications according to their own needs.

Свинцовая маска YSX1532 0,1 мм Pb импортный материал радиационной защиты
Различный Размер 0,50 мм PB рентгеновский свинцовый фартук YSX1531