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Многопараметрический монитор пациента YSF8

Предмет №: YSF8
Высокое качество 12,1-дюймовый многопараметрический монитор пациента YSF8
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12.1 inch multi-parameter patient monitor YSF8

High Quality 12.1 Inch Multi-parameter Patient Monitor
1. 12.1' color TFT LCD screen supports display max. 9 waveforms 
2. Personated voice reminding alarm; Visual On-display and integrated alarm light 
3. Real time S-T segment analysis, pace detection and arrhythmia analysis
4. Drug calculation and titration table
5. Extended advance function: 2IBP, IOC, EtCO2, Multi-Gas/ O2
6. Suitable for monitoring adult, pediatric and neonatal patient.
7. Display mode: Standard, Large Font, NIBP Trend, Trend Table, Full lead ECG, Oxy CRG.
8. Supporting storage of 720 hours patient data, 1000 NIBP records and 500 alarm event
9. External lead-acid battery
10. Multi-language:Chinese, English, Spanish,Portuguese, Russian, French, German, Czech,
11. Denish, Dutch, Finland, Italian, Porlish, Turkish

YSF8's Standard Configuration:
Anti-glare screen, Rechargeable lead-acid battery, 3/5-Lead ECG, Respiration, NIBP, SpO2, Pulse Rate, Temperature

YSF8's Optional Configuration:
2IBP, Nellcor SpO2, Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring Module, EtCO2 (Main-stream/Side-stream/ Micro-stream CO2), Multi-Gas/ O2, Pitch Tone
VGA, Thermal printer (50 mm)
Pediatric / neonatal accessories: reusable NIBP cuff & SpO2 probe; disposable NIBP cuff & SpO2 probe
Central Monitoring System
Physical Specifications
Dimension and weight Dimension 340mm(W)*280mm(H)*130mm(D)
Weight standard configuration: 4 kg
Operation environment Power requirements AC 90-300V, 50/60HZ, 60W
Power 90VA
Temperature 0-40℃
Humidity 0-93% non-condensing
Safety Meet the requirements of IEC60601 series
Patient range Adult, neonate and pediatric patients
Performance Specification
Display                            12.1’ (800 x 600 pixel) color TFT LCD screen, support external VGA(option). rolling and refreshing waveform display
Display mode Standard, large font, NIBP trend, trend table, full lead ECG, Oxy CRG.
Interface Parameter cable interface
AC power input socket
Network interface
External VGA interface for connection of alternate display
Battery 1 internal rechargeable lead-acid battery, 2.0Ah 12V
Alarm indicator Visual on-display and integrated alarm light
Audible alarm and personated voice reminding alarm
Data storage
720 hours monitoring data
10000NIBP records storage 
500 alarm event.    
Printer Built-in 50mm thermal printer (option), 
3 traces, print speed 12.5mm/s & 25mm/s & 50mm/s   
print width:50mm
Net working Support connection to central monitoring station through LAN (TCP/IP) or wireless connection  
Leads type 3/5-lead : I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V
Sweep speed 12.5mm/s, 25mm/s,50mm/s
Gain selection ×0.25, ×0.5, ×1, ×2
ECG waveform 3 channels
Operation mode Diagnostic, monitor, surgery
Heart rate range 15 -350bpm
Accuracy 1bpm or ±1% whichever is great
Alarm range Audible and visual alarm, adjustable
ST/ arrhythmia Real time S-T segment detection, pace detection and arrhythmia analysis
Protection Against electrosurgical interference and defibrillation
Respiration (RESP)
Method Thoracic impedance
Operation mode Auto/manual
Measurement range Adult: 0-120BrPM; neonatal /pediatric: 0-150BrPM
Apnea alarm Yes
Alarm Yes, audible and visual alarm ,alarm events recallable
Method Automatic oscillometric
Operation mode Manual/Automatic/STAT
Auto measure time Adjustable
Measurement unit mmHg / kPa  selectable
Test interval 1-480 minutes
Measurement range Adult: 0-300 mmHg ;
Child: 0-240 mmHg ;
Infant: 0-150 mmHg
Over-pressure protection Double safety protection
Accuracy of blood pressure      measurement The mean error shall be less than±5mmHg
the standard deviation shall be less than 8mmHG
Resolution 1 mmHg
Measurement range 0%-100%
Resolution 1%
Accuracy ±2% (70-100%, adult/pediatric, non-motion )
±3% (70-100%, neonate, non-motion )
±3% (70-100%, adult/pediatric/neonate, motion )
0-69% unspecified
Alarm range 1-100%
Pulse rate                          Pulse range: 0-350bpm
Accuracy: ±3bpm(non-motion)
±5bpm(motion )
Temperature (TEMP)
TEMP range 0-50℃
Resolution 0.1 ℃
Accuracy ±0.1℃  (excluding the sensor)
Channel Dual-channel. provide T1;T2; △T
Measurement range -50-360mmHg
Channel 2 channels
Pressure transducer Sensitive: 5u V/V mmHg
Impedance range: 300-3000 Ω
Pressure names ART, PA, CVP, RAP, LAP, ICP, P1, P2
Alarm range -10-300 mmHg
PR from IBP Range & Accuracy: 25-200bpm  ±1bpm or ±1bpm which is greater
201-350bpm ±2%
Resolution : 1bpm
Depth of Anesthesia (BIS)
EEG sensitivity +/- 475μV
Noise < 2uVp-p (1-150 Hz)
CMRR > 100 dB
Input impedance > 50mohm
Sample rate 1024 samples/s, 16 bits

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