Медицинская радиология
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Рентгеновский генератор
МРТ немагнитное оборудование
Автомобильные пленочные процессоры
Ручные пленочные процессоры
Рентгеновские Пленки
Рентгеновские кассеты
Интенсифицирующие экраны
Светильники Darkroom
Решения для разработки фильмов
Пленочная сушилка
Пленочные вешалки
Пленочные маркеры
Коробки переноса пленки
Ящики для хранения пленки
Подставки для груди
Рентгеновские дозиметры
Рентгеновские столы
Рентгеновская комната
Рентгеновский генератор
МРТ немагнитное оборудование
Многопараметрический монитор пациента YSPM80G
Предмет №: YSPM80G
Многопараметрический монитор пациента, 12,1 дюймов цветной TFT ЖК-дисплей
Multi-parameter patient monitor YSPM80G

1. Powerful and stable function by adopting Intel ARM tech and Linux manipulation system
2. Humanised design menu for highly efficient manipulation
3. Multi-display selectable including standard, large font, trend coexist, graphic trends,
drug caculation, titration table, mostly satisfy clinical requirement.
4. Extensive data storage, powerful analysis capacility, including real time pacemaker analysis,
S-T segment analysis, data sheet, histogram, graphic trends, and instant waveform recall.
5. According with13 kinds of arrhythmia analysis of AHA and MIT.
6. Efficient resistance to interference of defibrillator and high frenquency knife.
7. Kinds of euphonious alarm and pulse episodes.
8. Automatic indication of incorrect manipulation and malfunction analysis.
9. On-line help and Patient info input management function
1. 12.1 inch color TFT LCD display
2. Suitable for: Adult, Pediatric, Neonatal Patient.
3. Well-suited for use in peri-anesthesia and critical care environment.
4.Features: ECG, NIBP, SPO2, RESP, 2-TEMP, PR/HR. Optional dual invasive blood
preasure, ETCO2 and integrated recorder.
5. Standard parameters: ECG, NIBP, SPO2, PR/HR, TEMP, RESP.
6. Optional parameters: ETCO2, dual invasive blood preasure, integrated recorder, accessories
for neonatal or pediatric patient.
Technical Parameters:
1. Lead type: 5-lead
2. Input: RA; LA; RL; LL; V
3. Sweep speed: 12.5mm/s, 25mm/s, 50mm/s
4. Accuracy: ± 1bpm or ± 1%, whichever is greater
5. Protection: Withstand 4000VAC/50Hz voltage in isolation against electrosurgical
and defibrillation
6. S-T detection: YES, Arrhythmia analysis: YES
7. Alarm: YES, audible and visual alarm, alarm events recallable
1. Method: Oscillometry
2. Operation modes: Manual/Automatic/STAT
3. Measurement unit: MmHg/KPa selectable
4. Measurement types: Systolic, Diastolic, Mean
5. Over-pressure protection: YES
Measurement range: 0-100%
Accuracy: ± 2 digit (70~100%);
0~69% unspecified
Respiration Method: RA-LL impedance
Pediatric/Neonatal: 6-150rpm
Alarm range: Adult: 6-120rpm
Pediatric/Neonatal: 6-150rpm
Apnea alarm: YES
♥ Temperature
Resolution: 0.1
Channel: Dual-channel
Alarm range: 0-50