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Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med

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Роторный Микротом с замораживанием YSPD-Q558R

Предмет №: YSPD-Q558R
Роторный Микротом с YSPD-Q558Rwith замораживания Контролируемый компьютером Быстрый замораживание и Секционирование парафина (тип двойного назначения) включает роторный Микротом и интеллектуальную систему быстрого замораживания.
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Rotary Microtome With Freezing YSPD-Q558R
YSENMED YSPD-Q558R Microtome with Computer Controlled Fast Freezing and Paraffin Sectioning (dual use type) includes Rotary Microtome and Intelligent Fast Freezing system.  Nanometer-materials and Smart LCD display systems were adopted with this instrument which enables intuitive display and easy operation. Functions like temperature setting, real-time temperature, automatic alarm, automatic-defrosting and automatic thermostat are now possible. The hand-wheel of the microtome can be self-locked at any position, the sample switch, with dual use of fast freezing microtoming and routine paraffin microtoming, can be quickly changed.  This instrument is ideal for biological histology and clinic pathology.
Technical specification:
 Section thickness range: 0-60(μm)
 Trim thickness range:unlimited
 Minimum value of section thickness: 1μm
 Section thickness setting:
                   0-10(μm)increment  1μm
                  10-60(μm)increment  5μm
 Section precision tolerance:±5%
 Specimen horizontal feeding:28mm
 Stroke length:60mm
 Lateral knife holder
 Maximum section size:50×45(mm)
 unit dimension:460×430×280(mm)
 Electric supply: AC220V/50Hz
 Maximum Area of Freezing Bench:45×40(mm)
 Maximum Temperature Difference of Freezing Bench: ≥60℃
 Maximum Temperature Difference of Cold Knife: ≥50℃
 Automatic restoration into freezing working mode after defrosting, only 4-7 minutes to ready cutting temperature.
Functions :
        The small  hand wheel quick slicing,  wide  waste slot,fast freezing,one key defrosting
        Tumor section, lumber section,  cytological section,  frozen section
These products have been applied to hospitals, universities, research organizations and laboratories involving multiple fields such as biomedicine, life science, agriculture and forestry, health care, disease control and prevention, animal husbandry, and veterinary medicine.
Functions :
One key defrosting,  fast freezing,  knob fast trimming, Tumor section, lumber section,  cytological section,  frozen section
These products have been  applied to hospitals, universities, research organizations and laboratories involving multiple fields such as biomedicine, life science, agriculture and forestry, health care, disease control and prevention, animal husbandry, and veterinary medicine.

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