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Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med Professional Medical Equipment Supplier - Yuesen Med

Медицинская радиология
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Рентгенография комнаты YSX1624

Предмет №: YSX1624
Высокое качество двойная дверь рентгеновская фотостудия YSX1624
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High Quality Double Door X ray Photographic Studio YSX1624

X-Ray Protection Device-Protective Room
1. Photographic studio
2. For the radiation worker
3. Double door
3. To take photograph and fluoroscopy
4. CE

Detailed Product Description
1. Double Doors Taking Negative Plumbum Room
2. It is used for the radiation worker to take photograph and fluoroscopy.
3. Double Doors Taking Negative Plumbum Room / Shield Room
4. The medical X-ray shield room is composed of flat leads and iron plates.
5. It has two types: fluoroscopic room and camera chamber.
6. The lead equivalent of the fluoroscopic room is not less than 0.5mmpb and the lead equivalent
of the camera chamber is not less than 1.0mmpb.
7. It is used for the radiation worker to take photograph and fluoroscopy, and suitable for the X-ray protection.

Yuesen Med equipment purchase process
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Рентгеновская флюороскопическая комната YSX1625
Рентгеновская флюороскопическая комната YSX1625